

migraine, migraine go away.... 

uh, it's such a lazy saturday and it really shouldn't be. i have done a few productive things, but what i really need to be doing is studying for my GRE in 8 days. damn... i keep trying to convince myself that it's okay to put off studying because "i'm SO much better at cramming..." well, it's mostly true. i have a lot to get through and it kind of nauseates me having this exam loom over my head. i just need to get it over with and move on. if i don't do better than i did when i took it the first time... i'm definitely going to have to take it again. jesus christ, how many times in my life am i gonna have to take this stupid thing??? okay, i can't think like that, i have to do well... moving on....

fidelis' illness is getting better. i took him back to the vet for his re-check. there was a possibility that they were going to have to do sedate him to clean out the infection in his ear. she told me that would probably cost 200 smackers. luckily, oh, hold on, let me repeat that - LUCKILY, they didn't have to do it. we got away with more ear wash and medicine for $26. yippee. i love my dogs, but wow, sometimes it's rough.

i want to go to the movies. i also want ice cream.

i've been looking for a tote for my laptop. a cute one. not one of those gross black ones. they have super cute laptop bags at target, but my laptop just barely fits and there's no room for anything else. not even my AC adapter to plug it in. cute, but definitely not functional. if anyone has any tips on where i can find a cute laptop bag that isn't more than say, $40, tell me.

i have to take a shower and get moving. i think if i can get all my "life" stuff done this morning, it will leave me room this afternoon/evening to study. must find the motivation.......