

minus one 

aw, crissy's not a Nooris anymore. well, for the most part, she is until she changes her name legally. the wedding was beautiful and fun and everything i expected from crissy. congratulations to the newlyweds!

my own highlights:
-"we're in vegas!!!!"
-CHUG IT! if you don't, i will....
-abbee, i can't believe you chugged that wine... (teehee, actually i did it!)
-from the letter of paul... from the letter of SAINT paul
-ging, you've lost your napkin like 4 times
-me saying "fuckin" in front of auntie helen and her eyeballs flying out of her face
-chakee rummaging through other people's purses and being a kleptomaniac to find me eyeliner (thank you, chakee!)
-"where do we go to get appetizers?"
-matt's mom crying more at the rehearsal than the ceremony
-j fanning me with his personal portable fan
-my buzz-kill of an emotional breakdown (sorry crissy!)
-matt's mom and stepdad asking me how to dance to hip hop
-the drunk driver hitting the pole
-"i think she's upset that i didn't say bye to her"- you did say bye to her
-i threw up downstairs so nobody would hear me
-quoteth j "does the salad have dressing?"
-me dancing with crissy during the money dance because her line was shorter
-andy telling neneng that he kept seeing her crotch
-uncle roming trying to wrestle allan for his heineken
and finally:
-when the las vegas table finally realized EVERYONE was staring at us in our drunkeness

a good time had by all... rest up everyone, we've got another wedding in 9 months and counting....