

sh*t really does happen 

i knew it was going to be a rough day when i got out of the shower and made a shitload of my toiletries around my sink fall to the ground. then, as i'm running out of the bedroom so i can leave early and grab coffee, i realize i'm about to leave the house with half peeling nail polish. so, it becomes necessary to take the nail polish off. i get my acetone and for some reason i open it, and it slips out of my hand, bounces off the counter and splashes up onto my shirt and arm. WHAT? then, i think to myself "what does acetone do to fabric??" i decide i don't think it bleaches it or anything and continue on my way out. someone gave me this tip that if you put a drop of oil of oregano (wild mediterranean style) under your tongue it makes headaches go away. he warned that it was really strong, and i knew that and yet i gave it a go. i put a drop under my tongue this morning and what was probably an involuntary reaction, i take my tongue and scrape it on the bottom of the mouth, SCOOPING the oil of oregano to the TOP of my tongue. it was burning... like wild fire. i attempted to go to starbucks drive thru and i have no luck. i continue on to go to work.... and let's just leave it that the shit hit the big ass fan at work today. it was a rough day.

i ought to be doing a million other things. like cleaning my house. like reading my book. like balancing my checkbook. like unpacking (gasp!) the boxes from our move a year ago that we still have invading our guest room. like washing my dishes. like walking around in the new shoes i bought today. now i'm getting silly.

one more question: why is it that middle aged men with big beer bellies always feel the need to rub and scratch their belly?