

it gives you wings 

i'm drinking a red bull. i had a mountain dew about half an hour ago for lunch, AND i had a grande caramel macchiato this morning. i don't know how much more caffeine i can consume. it could potentially be humanly impossible. actually, no, i probably could handle just smidge more intake of caffeine. i'm really very tired. i think it's psychosomatic, actually i'm almost positive it is. but i'm not really sure how to get past it. i think i told chakee and trizza this before, but people in the psychology field (at least all the ones i've talked to) believe that we enter this field to try to fix ourselves - screw everyone else. but clearly, it's a losing battle.

ronthon is now jeronathon's new name.

my dell dj has been weird lately. like it stops playing songs with 30 seconds left to go. it doesn't shut off or skip, it just stops. it's really beyond me why i haven't called customer support to try to fix the problem, but i'm just lame like that.

my office at home now is becoming better and better. i can use the desk, and i've cleared out enough of the boxes that it's not a nightmare. we've moved the dog's crates downstairs so those aren't crowding our spaces.

the other night, i made andy call the cops on this one rowdy house that's near ours. i like that we live in this "family inhabited" area so it doesn't get very loud. but i'm almost positive that this one house is being rented by a group of guys who skate around our neighborhood and who put their ramps in the street. anyway, they were being all loud and psychotic on monday and i made andy call the police. yes, i'm old like that.