

the pinch and twist 

i don't have too much to say, although i am really glad that it's friday. we have a single twin coming in on saturday, and since we are fragile girls who are in loads of danger, we aren't allowed to test by ourselves without anybody in the building. so, my other co-worker is coming in tomorrow without work to do, but to make sure she is safe. i lucked out and do not have to come in.

i just want to go home and finish the book i've been reading. it's called "a year and a day." my co-worker loaned it to me. typically, i like to buy my own books so i can keep them, but this one is pretty good.

okay, i'm leaving work now. this carpooling thing with andy definitely has it's benefits. outside of just filling up andy's truck tank for the first time in 3 weeks, but i also get to work early... which means, i also get to leave at 4pm. goody.