

hello lover

oh, dearest blog, i know i've been neglectful lately, but i just haven't been in the mood. what a weird place i've been in lately. just kinda doing my thing and just going through the motions, i guess. anyway, things have been okay lately. work is same ole, same ole and we've been pretty busy at the lab. we've been having a lot of babies come in and i haven't really had a lot of time to do the odds and ends kind of stuff while i'm there. hmmm... by tomorrow, it will only be 2 weeks until we go to seattle. how weird. we need to get our shit together and start getting ready for that trip. get our winter clothes down, wax our boards, all that good stuff. i'm not nervous about the flight yet, but i'm sure that will come the sooner we get to leaving. we have to take a small plane to LAX, and then we'll take a flight to seattle/tacoma. at least i think that's what we're doing. i've always wanted to go to washington, so i'm pretty psyched.

andy finally finished working on that guy's house. for those of you who don't know, andy has been doing some remodeling on this guy's house, specifically his bathrooms. he finally finished today. thank god. sean was helping andy, but now that sean has left... (to serve his country and protect your freedom!) i was helping andy with what i could and andy was doing alot of stuff by himself. i'm pretty proud of him, he works his ass off. but that's my guy. :) ahhhhh smitten.... anyway, neneng got him the job because her boss knows that guy. neneng is andy's pimp. and crissy is her friend's pimp.... lol. WHORES.

i've been having weird dreams lately. i was also thinking... maybe that one dream i had about two people i know dying was like a double negative kinda deal. someone dying in a dream usually means that you will find out someone you know is pregnant, but since two people i know died, maybe it was like, someone being pregnant/having a baby, the next death, canceled that out, equaling death. hmm... i don't know. i guess you can tweak anything to mean what you want, so who knows. also, i was thinking about how i was saying that things happen for a reason. i wouldn't have been able to go to the memorial if i had been called for jury duty. yes, i understand it's a late realization, but i've been wanting to mention that i thought of that. anyway, i feel like this was a lame little blog entry so i'm done. me and andy are going to souplantation for dinner tonight! i'm excited. i'm craving salad for some reason. we're also going to dinner this saturday cause it's our anniversary. 7 years! "ahhhh, old people can be so sweet." lol. i'm trying to find a restaurant because i'm in charge of that, so if you have any suggestions, give me a shout. somewhere yummy, moderately priced, and somewhere ROMANTICO. okay, it doesn't have to be all romantic and shmushy, but not somewhere where they have sports memorabilia or anything lame like that as its decor. i gotta go get ready. damn, it feels like it is super freezing!