

teee eppppp seeeeee

i just had to blog about this because it was making me crazy. i went over to my mom's house on sunday because she had bought us a couple things from the comissary on base and i went to pick them up. if you haven't heard us talking about it, ever since they got it at my mom's house, all the woman watches is TFC (the filipino channel, of course) and the occasional football game. anyway, so she's watching this one shown (it's called "the buzz"), and i'm not sure what exactly it's about, but this man and woman have people on there and i guess they interview them, but these interviews are broken up with little "news" stories. but in reality, this entire show is based on GOSSIP. this is not to say that we don't have those tabloid shows here in the states (teehee... so fob), but i couldn't handle the amount of gossip these people were unloading. but actually, the part that really made me want to rip out my hair was this segment on these girls who are called "hot babes." yes, my tagalog is nowhere near any form of regular comprehension, but i can grab some words at a time. and these girls were like porn stars. now, i don't know if they were actually in porn, but wherever they are performing, it's nude... i could at least get that much information out. and they were on the show promoting themselves, and the first thing they do, is go through all the girls, and ask their name and their statistics. i guess statistics could mean whatever you wanted, but to them, it was these girls MEASUREMENTS. um, HELLO????!!! nobody else thinks this is inane for a tv show that isn't on playboy??? "(in a fob accent) ummm... kamusta, my name is janicelynn corora and i am 35-26-36....giggle, giggle" i couldn't believe it. when the first one started talking, when she said 35, i thought she was giving her age, but then she kept giving more numbers. i kept trying to get my mom to channel, but she wouldn't. she was getting more amusement out of watching me watch these girls. my mom kept trying to tell me that this is how they have figured out how to make money (obviously selling sex) and i kept screaming "what about SELF-WORTH???" "what about your SELF-RESPECT???" i CANNOT handle it when i see women (and it was just horrible watching young, filipina women - since i've heard the philippines is so conservative) think this is all they can offer and contribute. they were going through and asking these girls questions like "stuffed animal or teddy bear" and the girls would choose which one was more them and one of the questions was "brains or beauty" and 90% of the girls said brains.... YEAH EFFIN RIGHT. i didn't see you give your IQ when they asked for statistics. and they also asked "love or money" and all but 1 said love... OKAY, MORE EFFIN RIGHT. if you were looking for love, you wouldn't be trying to sell your ASS to make money. at least that one who said money, was telling the truth. OH GOD... i couldn't handle it. i kept asking my mom to channel it to something more uplifting and productive. it is just a sad display when women think this is who they are and all they'll ever be. sorry to disappoint you folks, but looks fade and that's rough if you are planning for that to take you very far in life. anyway, i think i'm done talking about this, it's making me batty.