

eczema.... grrrroooossss

lol... no, i'm not hating on people with eczema. that's a quote from "big daddy" and it makes me laugh because when i said it, chakee was the only person who got it. anyway, i'm itching like a mad woman. i get these flare ups of eczema and right now, i have a huge patch on my leg. i feel like a leper cause i can't stop scratching it and even though i know scratching it is making it worse, i continue to do it cause it's driving me up the wall. eeeeeks... i'm about to scream cause i want to chop my leg off!!!!!

i had a very fun weekend... hungover and tiring, but it was definitely fun. it is just absolutely not a good idea to get drunk and party until 4 in the morning two nights in a row. it's not advisable even though it may seem like a good idea at the time.

things have been pretty eventful lately. and it probably won't stop for another few weeks. with the moving; neneng and ronald moving out, kyle moving in, us moving into the other room, and confirmation is coming up and just all sorts of other craziness, we will be busy, busy, busy. i'm trying not to stress, but i know the next couple of weeks are gonna be out of control.

oh, one last thought, and only andy and his friends are gonna get this but "get rid of it! eat it! swallow it! who cares, just throw it out the window!" LOL.... whewwy.... good times, man, good times. i am such a funny monkey when i'm drunk!!! LOL