

because this is how funny my life is 

so weekend #2 in a row of wedding mania. andy and i attended his supervisor's wedding today. just as an aside, i walk around san diego fearing who i might run into that i knew from high school/junior high and hope people don't remember me so that i won't have to talk to them. it's very strange. it has absoultely nothing with me being a snob (as i think that's what some people think it's about) it has more to do with my own hang-ups than anything else. anyway, so as we are walking to the reception, i am completely thinking i'm going to see someone that i know or who knows me. of course, as it turns out, i see this group of girls during cocktail hour that i went to bell jr high with. i completely avoid them and hide behind andy as though i'm not there and i continue my journey into assholedom.

we proceed into the reception and we are having a splendid time. their schedule for the evening is off by an hour, but it's really not cause for concern. they finally get to the "photo montage" as it was outlined in the phamplet, and it is first about the bride, then the groom, then pictures of both of them. i'm watching the pictures of the bride, and it occurs to me: i went to junior high at bell with the BRIDE. WTF??? that answered the question as to why that group of girls was there. it's funny because i met her in december at the time warner christmas party. we received their invitation and i knew her first and last name and it never rang a bell. she looks a lot different (but shit, don't we all), but when i showed andy her picture in my yearbook he says she still looks the same.

isn't that crazy? i knew the bride THIS WHOLE TIME. i wasn't friends with her or anything, but what a small world. we used to have the same friends.

this entire time i was scared about running into someone i knew that was a guest... but i turned out knowing the person who was throwing the party. now that i've written it down it doesn't seem that trippy, but it was totally crazy. just believe me.