

please call me Cindy 

so, i've succumbed and i finally bought myself a Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker. it probably sounds like a random type of purchase, but i've had this weird obsession with iced tea lately, and when i saw it was only $20 i thought it was worth my while. anyway, andy's mom is obsessed, and i mean OBSESSED with iced tea... therefore, that's why you should start calling me cindy now. i'm even scared to tell her i bought an iced tea maker. she has one and it brews constantly. either i'm becoming andy's mom or i'm getting old. yeah, it could very easily be both.

hey, before i forget... whenever you get uno momento go into google and type my first and last name. yes, as nooris. as you can see, i've been PUBLISHED. damn skippy! it was a paper presented at the International Society of Twin Studies and I'm 5th author. yes, 5th author probably doesn't sound all that glamorous, but notice how i'm not the last author. and it takes some shit to get to be first author and i'm just not there yet. but anyway, yeah, there i am.

i'm psyched tomorrow is already thursday. things at work have been pretty hectic. like i get there and i'm running and running around. i stop to eat. run and run some more and then it's time to go home. i can't wait to lay in my bed.

.... what model is your dog?.......