

angeles... but not los angeles 

man, that was a really long time to be without internet. finally, we got to spend some time at the mall (all other mall trips were like supermarket sweep in that we were rushing around just trying to buy what we really needed), but today we actually got to hang out. and while neneng and ronald's family are eating, i came to the internet cafe.

i don't think i'm really ready to reflect on the poverty that exists here. being in the middle of it is tough and saying that i'm lucky is an understatement. let me give it a little more thought and i'll get back to you.

me, j, and clyde are homesick. this is admittedly so, but i really assumed it would happen. we still have a week left up in these parts, but maybe it will go by fast.... nah, i doubt it.

we've spent the last couple of days here in angeles with ronald's family. they really are good peeps and they are very kind to us. this has actually been the most relaxing because we've been running from place to place like maniacs. also, this area doesn't seem to be as hot. manila is hustling and bustling with traffic and smog and this is a little more slow paced.

don't even get me started on iloilo and the province. i even asked grandma why she keeps coming back here because it seems to me that america is by far the better option. crazy old lady.

i miss my dogs. we haven't gotten a hold of the guy that is watching our house and i'm scared he took our big screen tv and left the country. by now, my dogs would have eaten all of my furniture and maybe everything in our cabinets.

we went to the market yesterday and the beggers were out of control. these people would literally come up to you, touch your arm then hold out their hand like you were going to plop some cashola in it for them. this one old lady even stood there while neneng was waiting to get change like neneng was going to give her the change she got for her purchase. wow.

all the guys went to sabong today. which is the cockfights. they went yesterday, but today is supposed to be the big day for it with lots of fights. they make it sound so enjoyable, but i can't handle it. even if they are just chickens... the animal lover in me really can't condone it. not that i'm going to change the lifestyle of an entire nation who thinks that fighting animals is a sport.

that's all for me from the islands. it's irritating me to be on this keyboard in the internet cafe because they keys keep sticking. i guess that's what you get for 30 pesos for 40 minutes. that's only $.60.

i love america.