

you're gonna have to wait your turn

i had a cop tell me that yesterday. right before he wrote me up a dumb ticket. it was really lame and i deserved it, but at least it wasn't for speeding. i guess he decided he wanted to give me a life lesson in "waiting my turn." thanks. thanks alot. and he also tried to check to make sure if i was wearing my corrected lenses as stated on my driver's license. he tipped his sunglasses and checked my eyes.... buddy, if i wasn't wearing my contacts, you wouldn't be pulling me over for a minor traffic violation, you'd be pulling me out of my car that ran into a light post. lame.

anyway, thank god this has been a short week. i'm tired. i only have a few more minutes of work left and next week will be a short week, too since we will be leaving for vegas on friday. VEGAS, BABY. ooh, and i made my appointment for the spa at the luxor. did you know they do spa treatments 24 hours a day at the luxor? they're hard core, man. anyway, so i scheduled my appointment for the same time that everyone else is going to be at the pearl jam concert. at least i won't be walking around vegas by my lonesome and will be doing something that is great fun. well, it is time to leave work. i was gonna go straight to costco right after work so i could buy some stuff, but then i remembered that my puppy has probably been in the crate for a while and has a bladder ready to burst. that darn puppy... i love him, so i will probably go home even though i have stuff to do. amen for the weekend!