

return of the king 

Yippeee.... i have finally finished LOTR: the two towers. i've been reading that one for a while, and this morning, i just started the third and last book of lord of the rings. the second book goes alot further than the 2nd movie, so i'm beginning to feel like i know the secrets to what's going to happen in the last movie. oh, this is super fun.

we went to a pool party last night. i had to go on the bathing suit hunt, seeing as how it is september and there really aren't stores that are trying to sell bathing suits. i finally found one at gone bananas in PB, and their sale is "buy one top, get a bottom for free." anyway, the party was fun... a bunch of people i didn't know, but that was cool. my friend and her 3 friends are renting out this house in UC that's 4 bedrooms, family room, living room, it has a pool and jacuzzi and the house is just huge. my friend pays $525/ month, and poor kyle, he could pay $25 more dollars a month and live at THAT house. oh well... we have the dogs and kyle loves our dogs, so maybe that's the trade off.