

this is going out to andrew, from K 

i have a funny story. so last night was just a chill friday. andy and me went and grabbed carl's jr. for dinner and then we came back home and andy and kyle started playing tecmo bowl on nintendo and we just had the stereo on. we were listening to kyxy and i decided i wanted to request a song. the first song i wanted, she didn't have. so i asked for another song, and she didn't have that either. i just told her i'd call back, and i did... and she played the song i wanted right after i called. so kyle wanted a song by this 90's band named firehouse. we told him to dedicate it to andy and when he asked for this one song, they didn't have it, but she told him they had "love of a lifetime" by firehouse and he said to go ahead and play that. he asked if he could dedicate it to andrew, and she asked his name and he said "kyle." but when they played the song, she said "and that was love of a lifetime going out to andrew, from kay." what a way to cheat. that wasn't right. come on.