

Ummm... i kind of disagree with that... 

i have been insanely busy. anyway, last night andy had this appointment with this guy for this "business opportunity in e-commerce." i decided to tag along just to see what this guy had to say even though both me and andy already knew it was a pyramid scheme. anyway, that's what it was and instead of letting him do his spiel and us leaving as quickly as possible, i decided to prolong the event by disagreeing with a bunch of things he was saying. andy even gave me a glaring look to get me to stop talking. it was pretty funny, though, i thought. he was just this 23 year old guy who is now getting out of the military in the next few months and is trying to find a direction and at the same time make him lots of money. i don't know... i guess in my old age (LOL) i've realized the world just doesn't work that way and the quick way to make your living doesn't always work. oh well...

anyway, right now i'm at work and we are on a conference call with another university that is running the same study we are... and i'm blogging. such great multi-tasking if i do say so myself.

i don't really have much to blog about. i think of things to blog about, but i don't really have a second to sit down and type it out, so it all just escapes my mind.

yeah, i said nothing in this blog. at least it's already half way through the week! yippee!